Rescued: An Outdoor Podcast for Hikers and Adventurers

Rescued is a podcast of conversations with rescuers and those who’ve been rescued. It’s about the lessons we learn about ourselves, the paces we go and why – without judgement or shame – to help us have better adventures, manage risk and deal with the unexpected.

Caro Ryan

What happened? It’s the first thing we want to know when we hear about accidents, mishaps or emergencies out in the bush – out in these wild places that we all love so much.

It’s a natural reaction and one that I think is triggered by recognition or a sense of what we have in common for these places and also the types of activities that draw us to them: hiking, bushwalking, canyoning, trekking, and adventuring.

Why a podcast?

To hear that something has gone wrong for someone out there, can cause us to question our own experiences, especially if it’s somewhere we’ve been to ourselves or while doing the same activity.

Perhaps it’s something deep in our psyche that wants to assure us that it couldn’t happen to us. But, the reality is, we are all ‘us‘, and things happen to us every day; some are accidents, some are outcomes of conscious or unconscious decisions, a combination of both, or the dreaded Swiss Cheese Effect.

I believe there is power and strength in stories. They’re the glue that holds society and culture together; they’re how we learn and how we grow. They can challenge us, make us laugh, bring us to tears and remind us of our unique voice and journey. Rescued: An Outdoor Podcast for Hikers & Adventurers, is conversations with rescuers and those who’ve been rescued. It’s about the lessons we learn about ourselves, the places we go and why – without judgement or shame – to help us have better adventures, manage risk and deal with the unexpected.

Let’s have a chat… [Image: Ben Cirulis @fotografija]

LotsaFreshAir has always existed with 3 goals in mind: to inspire, to educate and to encourage. It’s about connecting people to wild places in meaningful ways, so they can look after themselves, their mates and our precious wild places.

These messages are more important than ever as visitation to our national parks and natural areas is increasing as more people are finding truth in the benefits of spending time in nature. If I’m serious about spreading these messages, as a communications professional, I need to be agile enough to change and adapt the delivery method to try and reach the audience who need to hear it. [But I’m holding off on TikTok as long as I can!;-)].


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Show Notes and Transcripts

Season 1

001 Trailer

002 Matt U’Brien (formerly Police Rescue Squad)

003 Matt U’Brien (part 2) // Empress Canyon Rescue

004 Jane in Spain // Alone with a broken leg

005 Owen and the Australian Alps Walking Track // When first aid can’t help

006 Linda from AMSA is a satellite communications expert

007 James was Buried Alive

Bonus Meet Ashley from The Sharp End Podcast

Season 2

008 Mike Atkinson (Outback Mike) on a life of adventure

009 Hilary’s ski boot was facing backwards on Mount Bogong

010 Zuza was struck by lightning

Subscribe below (or on your pod platform of choice!)

Do you have a story to share?

Please get in touch with me via this online form.

Have you ever been rescued?

Have you ever had to ‘push the button’ or send for help, realising that you needed an extra hand to come back home? Were you ever lost in the bush? Suffered an injury or some other incident? Your story is powerful and has the potential to help change other people’s lives and contribute to the community knowledge of how we can look after ourselves and each other, in these precious places that we visit. Some stories are hard to share for many reasons. Please read *below and let me know if you have any concerns.

Are you a rescuer?

I’d love to hear from you if you’re an emergency services, rescue or medical professional (including retired), volunteer, or maybe a good samaritan who came to someone’s aid? Your experiences and perspective can bring insights and learnings that are valuable for all of us.

A supporting role?

There are many different supporting roles and organisations that often operate on the fringes or in the background of search and rescue. Some of these include researchers, training organisations, consultants, providers of specialised technical skills, peak bodies and even academics. The Rescued Podcast is designed to be a forum of learning and sharing; a place that brings together the rescued, rescuers and specialists just like you. Please drop me a line, I’d love to hear from you.

A word about shame and judgement*

We are all human. We’re all part of this unfathomable, unwordable planet. Every one of us on this blue-green spinning globe has a unique and precious story to tell. The story of our lives and of our journeys. The Rescued Podcast believes every story is precious and should be treated like the finest treasure that it is; and that all of us are honoured when we get to hear another’s tales.

I’m so thankful for everyone who is willing to share their story with humility and grace and ask that the audience receive it in the same way, reflecting on what it means to them. Some stories are very difficult to share and there will be times when I am happy to alter the voice of my guest . I will not tolerate any comments in our social media that are not in the spirit of these words and will endeavour to remove any such comments asap and ask our community to please report them.


Huge thanks to my launch season sponsor, Paddy Pallin, who since 1930, have been leaders in travel and outdoor adventure. In fact, did you know that Paddy himself, a member of the Sydney Bush Walkers Club (my club!), was a volunteer in the original Search and Rescue arm** of the Federation of Bushwalking Clubs in NSW? Nice one Paddy!

Paddy Pallin (4th from left) on search in Grose Valley, Blue Mountains 1936.
Credit: Jack Watson // Andy Macqueen Collection

**This evolved into NSW SES Bush Search and Rescue.

Writer, producer and content creator by trade, search and rescue volunteer by passion, Caro Ryan started to inspire, teach and encourage people to get into hiking and the outdoors safely.

It’s all about connecting people to wild places in meaningful ways, so they can look after themselves, their mates and these precious places we visit.

She teaches wilderness navigation, authored the book, ‘How to Navigate’ and hosts, ‘Rescued - an Outdoor Podcast for Hikers and Adventurers.

In the bottom of her pack you'll find coffee grounds, instant noodles past their used by date and an insatiable curiosity.

Bushwalking & Hiking Tips from an Unexpected Outdoors Chick

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