When first aid can’t help you
We all know the importance of having solid first aid skills when we head off into the bush. A good remote area first aid course not only gives us the technical know-how of what to do in an emergency, but confidence to step in and act when someone suffers an injury.
However, there’s something that first aid courses can’t really prepare us for that can leave us feeling vulnerable especially when travelling solo.
In this episode, I hear from experienced bushwalker, cross-country skier, runner and all round adventure traveller, Owen, on what happened during day 21 of the 650 km Australian Alps Walking Track when he found himself alone and pushing the SOS button.

Artist’s Statement
How quickly things can change. Day 21 of walking the Australian Alps Walking Track. The weather was magic and my first views of the Snowy Mountains in NSW beckoned me on. I could not have been happier. 24 hours later the weather was atrocious and a serious illness had overwhelmed me that brought my world crashing down. A shocking end to a beautiful dream. O’ Mice an’ Men captures the chaotic end to ‘best laid plans’. This all played out on the Long Spur between Mount Bogong and Mount Wills.
Owen Morris
You can read Owen’s story on Bushwalking Victoria’s blog.
Owen’s story takeaways
- The value of good planning
- To consider how to deal with medical emergencies in the bush, not just obvious first aid
- Being aware of the limitations of solo walking – not able to share the load of decision making and actions
- Value of testing and checking charge on satellite comms
- Making well thought out decisions in the middle of crisis
- Value of satellite comms and the SOS button
- Importance of finding closure after an incident
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Episode Transcript
Download the transcript here.
Thanks to
Sponsor // Paddy Pallin
Rescued Podcast main photo // Ben Cirulis and fotografija.com.au
Nature SFX // freesound.org [Kangaroo Vindaloo and Monkey Pants]