I know I’ve been teasing on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that some big changes were coming to this hiking blog, so I’m stoked to finally be able to show you all!
When I started the blog two years ago, it was all a bit of an experiment, a bit of fun on the side. It was all about trying to put down all the stuff I’ve learnt from some amazing outdoor mates, as well as through my own adventures (and mis-adventures) along the way (… cauliflower anyone?).

A major reason why I started the blog, was because there was all this stuff you learn along the way when you start bushwalking, that you wish someone had just told you. Stuff like how to deal with periods in the wild.
The other thing, was that a lot of the voices speaking about hiking on the internet, and on YouTube in particular, seemed to be American men with a focus on survivalist style approaches and into hunting. There was also a strong, “This is the only way” or “My way is the best way”, styled messaging.
I strongly believe that there are many ways to skin cats (whoops – a hunting reference!) and that everyone should test and try things out and adapt things to suit themselves.
Essentially, hiking changed my life and I want to make the discovery and journey into a Bushwalking and outdoors life as accessible and welcoming as possible for everyone.

Now, I must give a massive shout out to the very talented team behind this new look. The design (pretty stuff) comes from the lovely Cath Beaton at Phase Creative and the developing (nerdy, code maven, I am not worthy stuff) from my good buddy Dee Teal aka The Web Princess. Thank you for making me look good!
I really hope you like the new look and importantly, it makes it easier to find stories and articles that you’re interested in. So take a look around and please let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
… Here’s to the next part in the Lotsafreshair journey!