12 Australian Native Orchids to stop you in your tracks
Published on January 19, 2016
Depending on your style of walking, sometimes it’s easy to miss the small things. The minute detail of a tiny leaf, the animal shapes that appear in the clouds or industrious ants teaming together to lug something three times their size back to their homes. Well, I confess to sometimes being on a mission when I’m out in the wilderness and like a horse turning for home, I can stride out with purpose. So when I came upon the photographs from my friend, expert fellow bushwalker (& consummate gentleman!), Jan Mohandas, I was floored. Here’s just a few of his images – 12 Australian native orchids to stop you in your tracks and remind you to slow down and look for the detail… I know they did that to me. Thanks so much Jan!
Fringed Midge Orchid [Genoplesium fimbriatum] Royal NP, Sydney. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]The one below is without a doubt, my favourite and was the first image of Jan’s that caught my eye. They seriously look like ducks!
Flying Duck Orchid [Caleana Major], Duffys Forest, Garigal NP. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]Bearded orchid [Calochilus paludosus] Freycinet NP, Tasmania. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]Bonnet orchid [Cryptostylis erecta] Bobbin Head, Kuringai NP. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]Small tongue orchid [Cryptostylis leptochila] Blackheath, Blue Mountains NP. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]
This Rufa [poss. Cobar Greenhood – Pterostylis cobarensis?] Mt Nangar NP, near Parkes, NSW. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]I swear this next little guy is smiling at me!
Veined Sun Orchid [Thelymitra cyanea] Blackheath, Blue Mountains NP. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]Beetle Orchid [Chiloglottis diphylla] Royal National Park. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]Toothed Helmet Orchid [Corybus pruinosus] Royal NP. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]Pixie Cap Orchid [Acianthus fornicatus] Wondabyne, Brisbane Water NP. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]Turtle orchid [Chiloglottis seminuda] Blue Mountains NP. [Pic: Jan Mohandas]
Long-clubbed orchid [Chiloglottis trilabra] Near Lithgow, NSW [Pic: Jan Mohandas]What about you? What stops you in your tracks when out hiking? I’d love to hear your thoughts… please let me know below…:-)
Writer, producer and content creator by trade, search and rescue volunteer by passion, Caro Ryan started LotsaFreshAir.com to inspire, teach and encourage people to get into hiking and the outdoors safely.
It’s all about connecting people to wild places in meaningful ways, so they can look after themselves, their mates and these precious places we visit.
She teaches wilderness navigation, authored the book, ‘How to Navigate’ and hosts, ‘Rescued - an Outdoor Podcast for Hikers and Adventurers.
In the bottom of her pack you'll find coffee grounds, instant noodles past their used by date and an insatiable curiosity.